A sign that says be prepared with flowers around it.

I’m Not Dead Yet!

I’m Not Dead Yet…Thank goodness!

You aren’t dead yet…Thank goodness!  We never know when our time is up.  Some people pass on very unexpectedly, while others, often due to a diagnosed illness are jolted into the reality that we will not make it out of this world alive.

I have noticed a number of unexpected deaths in the headlines.  A 29-year-old father was killed by a car while saving his children. Two brothers died while on a bike ride. A 32-year-old woman was killed in the middle of the afternoon by a truck that crossed the median and crashed into her car.  Many people die unexpectedly every day, leaving behind a stunned, grieving family and friends.

Some of us who are reminded of our mortality due to an illness realize that we need to get ‘our affairs in order’.  Where to begin…what to share, what to do to help the family we leave behind. There are arrangements, emotional support, and financial areas that all need attention during such a difficult time.  

Since none of us know when our time has come to leave this world, it is very important to have our affairs in order regardless of our age or circumstance.

We have created a guide that will hopefully help you and your loved ones better cope with details and emotions that surround the passing of someone you love. Our goal is that this guide will help alleviate some of that stress.

We hope you find it helpful and appreciate any feedback!      

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