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I’m Not Dead Yet…Thank Goodness! 

As I have mentioned in my earlier blog, there are just so many unexpected tragedies that are in the headlines almost every day.  We can all hope and pray to live a long, healthy life, but we never know when our time will be up.

When my daughter was born, I began writing letters to her for all major events in her life…starting school, her first day of high school, her graduation, her engagement, her wedding day, the birth of her first child.  I wanted to be sure that whether I was still here for those milestones in her life or not that she would know how I felt, how proud I was of her and how much she was loved.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, I expanded that box of letters to include many more things and much more information.

I have put together the I’m Not Dead Yet…Thank Goodness Guide (In Shop Some Favorites) in hopes that you will find it helpful in preparing the important information and things for your loved ones when you pass on.  It may seem overwhelming but for me it was a way to get this off my ‘Worry List’.

As always, I would love your feedback and suggestions!

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